Free Marketing Advice

It’s eye-opening. You can sail along for a long time and suddenly it happens. You realize you have a talent that is seriously underutilized.

The answer to that question may be the most important of all. It starts a process that defines your mission and articulates your core values.

Selfishly, the May Marketing Morsel will help me get mentally prepared to teach Sales and Sales Management for Elizabethtown College in a few weeks.

Just trying out an idea suggested by Ad Pros Steve Lance and Jeff Woll in their best-selling book “The Little Blue Book of Advertising” (Tip 38: Put a benefit in the headline).

Do you want to stay relevant with your business? Here is essential advice –

Positive brand and brand identity are essential to business success. But the real payoff happens when you nail it on the loyalty scale. You can waste tons of money trying to buy loyalty. But the reality is you have to earn it.