One of my favorite resources for this kind of thinking is a book called Duct Tape Marketing, by John Jantsch. He outlines the process in seven practical steps. Here, with brief comments by yours truly, are my top five:

1. Develop Strategy before Tactics – You have to have a clear picture of who you are trying to attract and only make offers that motivate them, Plan your ads, promotions, etc. only after you have a clear picture of needs you will fulfill.

2. Embrace the Marketing HourglassTM How do you move a prospect through the funnel with trust-winning positive experiences? Those that make it become loyal customers and advocates for you (this needs more discussion)

3. Adopt the Content Publishing Model – What you say has to have value to the reader. It’s not about you talking about yourself.

4. Create a total web presence – That not only means keeping your website up to date, but leveraging your presence on social media as well. SEO is a key tool too.

5. Live by the Marketing Calendar – Time is money is the old adage. Expressing your plan in calendar form keeps things efficient and allows for project planning without constant rush jobs.

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