Gitomer, in his latest weekly blog, covers an interesting question – “how deep is your brand?” He uses amazon as an example of a brand that has automatically become part of our lives. How many of us do “amazon shopping”, comparing retail store prices on our smart phones, and more often than not, make the final purchase decision via “Click it” or “Prime it” and get free 2-day shipping.

If you strive for “brand depth” amazon is the gold standard. They are in the mix for almost any purchase decision.

So think about your own business. What are you known for? Or to phrase it another way…what would you like to be known for?

Gitomer gives us all a bit of ambitious advice – “The best thing you can do right now is take a close look at every aspect of your business, your products and services, and determine at least one area where you have the potential for recognition and market dominance. Focus on that with every ounce of your social power”.

True – you may not reach the lofty height of “amazon shopping” as a go-to strategy, but at the very least your business model will be better than it was originally.

Happy Back-to-School Month everyone. Where did the summer of 2016 go?

View previous monthly morsels on our Free Marketing Advice page.