Let’s assume you have identified a prospect for your business. The next step is perhaps the most critical of all – the “discovery phase”. Don’t take this important meeting unless you are fully armed to take the essential steps toward closing the deal.

Take the time to fully understand what the prospect is looking for; then figure out how your product or service is the perfect solution to meet his or her needs. Sell BENEFITS not FEATURES.

Bring the right, well thought out, questions to the table. And listen carefully to the answers. In a natural way, you will build rapport with your customer-to-be. Dig behind the “what” and the “why” of each need and work toward the winning recommendation. Know your competition and your competitive advantages as the conversation moves along

Break the ice with questions like – Tell me about your role? What is the day-today routine like? Talk about your goals (financial, customer-related, operational, etc.) What are your priorities? Describe a successful outcome to your problem. Are you facing a deadline? What are your criteria for choosing a vendor? What is the process for making decisions in your company? Do you deal with legal issues?

Role play. Have a practice run with one of your associates before you actually have the “real” meeting. It’s a great way to figure out how to deal with objections.

The bottom line takes us back to the top. Always start your sales strategy with discovering the needs of your prospect, and build a benefit bridge between the two of you.

Happy selling!

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