It assumes you have something to offer that represents a value to your customer. Now comes the hard part. Find the right words, which are actually answers to key questions:

Who are your key customers? Match them up with your core competencies.

What kind of reputation do you want to convey? Be known for something, ideally something that no one else does better. Who are your key competitors and how do you differ from them? Communicate the differences clearly.

How do you use technology? New tools crop up almost daily. Keep up with progress or perish.

What values guide you? You are not just part of the business community. You are part of society as a whole. Find a way to give back. One of my favorite business models is TOM’s Shoes. For every pair of canvas shoes they sell, they give away another pair of shoes to a child in a third world country who doesn’t own a pair of shoes. People buy this quality product because they are motivated to be part of a meaningful movement.

Let’s conclude our June morsel by revisiting the beginning of the message. So why are you in business in the first place?

Go ahead. Put it in writing.

View previous monthly morsels on our Free Marketing Advice page.