I’m also a believer in certain mental “triggers” to get the mind in gear when you take on a new consumer-centric assignment. Here are a few brief examples:

1. Believe in the 80/20 rule – Find your core customer, the 20% who delivers 80% of your sales, and pay strict attention to understanding his or her needs. Your messaging must resonate with this special group of users. They can also become unpaid ambassadors for your business if you listen to them and communicate their benefits clearly.

2. Grasp for A.I.R. – This means you must make sure you always (a) Seize the target’s ATTENTION; (b) arouse INTEREST with your benefit-focused message; and make sure (c) it is easily RECALLED by the Listener/Reader/Viewer.

3. Use the 4 Part Process – I learned this early in my career from my then employer BBDO – (a) Know Your Prime Prospect (see the 80/20 rule above); (b) Know Your Prime Prospect’s Problem (what user benefit will you communicate clearly); (c) Know Your Product (or service) – how do you translate your features into your target’s benefits; and (d) Break the Boredom Barrier (make your communication succinct, interesting and memorable – the easy to understand solution to the customer’s problem)

There are many more “triggers” in my arsenal (as a result of doing what I do for a long time)…but what the heck…I’ll save them for future Morsels.

If you put some of this advice to use, my headline does indeed work. May you prosper from taking action with these marketing benefits.  

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