In a recent blog, Marketing Guru Seth Godin put a spotlight on two things that are essential to marketing. He focused on two weapons in our arsenal – tools and resources. This month, I am using these two key words to share some of my own thinking.

It used to be that your toolbox had a limited number of ingredients – ads, commercials, direct mail, outdoor, etc. Now, add “Digital” to “Marketing Tools” and off to the races we go. You cannot master everything, so review what is available and get comfortable with the combination that helps you solve your customer’s problem to the fullest. For effectiveness, find the tool that helps you engage the customer better than others. I have success with email marketing for instance…you are reading this Morsel, aren’t you?

There was a time when “going it alone” as a business was the only way to do business (It still is for most of us). But there are many more choices available today for business growth. Keep your antennae up and keep the meeting of customer needs in mind…whatever works. Merge. acquire. partner with a noncompetitor or offer something exclusive that you have negotiated. Add “Digital” to your vocabulary, and available resources compound exponentially. Google and you will find choices in abundance.

The bottom line – No matter what tool you use, no matter what resource you use, make Content the King. Connect. Engage. Be understood. Be relevant.

Do this, and you will be fine.

View previous monthly morsels on our Free Marketing Advice page.