Stay informed about leading innovations that affect our lives. The editors of Fast Company magazine have helped us all this month with their annual “World’s 50 Most innovations Companies” issue. It’s full of good learning stuff. Read it yourself. But here are some fascinating takeaways from me:

In today’s digital age, how do you explain the continuing success of Moleskin’s classic notebooks? They use a digital Timepage app, which allows you to take a snapshot your daily to-do list and transfer it to a digital format. Quality products and innovative design don’t hurt either.

Target continues to develop smaller locations with consumer-centric inspired product lines in major city locations.

Snapchat, Uber and Airbnb exist because these companies recognize that they can fill the needs of the growing younger consumer market and their expectations of new and better products.

Check out what’s happening in China. Six of the top 50 companies described are Chinese.

Content marketing continues to be a force in the industry. Who are the innovators? Check out Glossier, Kenzo, Clique Media Group, Hyperbeast and Reward Style – and learn something new from them.

Last but not least, number one innovator Jeff Bezos and his team continues to set the bar high for the rest of us. They coined things like data metrics and rigorous processes, but, according to Fast Company they demonstrate “willingness to embrace to embrace uncertainty, experimentation, and messy inconsistencies”. It takes bravery to live at the top, with a dash of visionary spirit.

As long as you do your best keeping up, you should never fear the Ides of March.

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