It was a complex project that has to be managed if you want to wake up on an assigned day in your new home with a smile.

Dealing with this inspires the topic for the September Morsel – In the marketing arena how do you approach the task of managing a project.

It could be anything from getting a new commercial on the air to building a presentation of a client’s annual marketing plan.

There are some basic approaches involved. They must be followed with a sense of urgency from beginning to end.

  1. Identify what has to be accomplished and attach a date to it.
  2. List every task that has to be completed…with a timetable created from the completion date backwards.
  3. Divide and conquer. Hopefully you have a team at your disposal. Make each member of the team responsible for a specific task related to the overall project. Make them report progress so everyone knows what’s going on.
  4. Somebody has to watch the budget.
  5. Somebody has to be the leader…and keep everyone motivated to meet all deadlines.
  6. Keep a written progress report. Share it with the team.
  7. Don’t assume anything, ever.
  8. Thank everyone at the end.

Look beyond a single project. There is a big picture of everything that has to be done. Never overlook this responsibility.

View previous monthly morsels on our Free Marketing Advice page.