Essentially this should be a rite of passage every October as you critique past and present performance and focus on planning ahead. Here are some “process tips” to help you get your brain in gear.

1. Learn from your competitors – We’re all competing with someone to increase market share. Is there something the other guy did that made you think “Gee I wish I’d done that”. So how can you improve on their thinking for next year and put your own customer-focused spin on it?

2. Get testimonials – You have very likely “made the day” of a good and loyal customer. Others praising your work are like liquid gold.

3. Update your thinking about Social Media – Social Media and Mobile Marketing are “where it’s at” more and more in strategic marketing planning. Learn more about these tactics. More importantly – what content are the users looking for when they log on…make sure you RELATE to the user with your messages.

4. Work “on” your business, not “in” your business – Too often business owners concern themselves with operational matters rather than balancing your dayto- day routine with customer interaction. It’s a big world out there. Be part of it. Understand your customer better.

5. Assess your “brand” – Are you an expert at something that sets you apart? Who knows this? Make sure your real expertise as a problem solver is part of your communication plan.

Do your best to be focused, relevant, and consistent in the things you communicate and the content of your messages. It’s the 4th quarter. Cross the goal before time runs out.  


View previous monthly morsels on our Free Marketing Advice page.