Make sure your message follows through on the promise in your subject line, and use several short paragraphs if you have a lot to say. When in doubt, challenge yourself to write less and add links that support your topic.
Worth Another Look:
In the words of Dorothy, “Toto, we are not in Kansas anymore.”
Neither are we. The pandemic took care of that. So, let us look ahead. In terms of marketing, where do we go from here? I would be very rich if I knew the exact answer to that one. But I can offer some simple advice, based on doing this for many years.
Follow your own yellow brick road…in other words, follow the trends that have risen to the top since we started the Covid-19 journey, and use this learning to help you plan your strategy for 2021.
The SkyLimit Marketing Research Department (also known as Google) did some digging and identified some trends to note as you try to make sense of the world and market to it. Much of it is because we are “at home” a lot more than we used to be. Here is some of what I found out:
- Make social media part of your professional life – The number of people using social media has grown by over 50% in the last 4 years. They spend almost 1.5 hours a day using it, and admit it influences purchasing decisions.
- Improve your SEO. People are on the lookout for “stuff” by searching out websites. Think like a visitor. Anticipate why they check in to your site and do your best to have what they are looking for.
- Learn about Account Based Marketing (ABM) – This applies mostly to B2B marketers. It is a system that helps you identify potential customers who are a good fit for what you do. It blends marketing and sales.
- If you are good at something, keep doing it and keep challenging yourself to do it better. Do not ever be completely satisfied.
View previous monthly morsels on our Free Marketing Advice page.