His books are both witty and wise, and full of good advice. For instance, if you are in a situation where you have to persuade someone to buy into an idea you believe in, it may require a presentation to a group or individual. Here are some Gitomer tips entitled “Some stuff is ok, some is not ok…”

It’s OK – to use notes or props; to use compelling slides: to stumble; to be real; to be excited. However –

It’s NOT OK – to be nervous; to be unprepared; to be unrehearsed; to pander to the audience; to make excuses; to ramble on about yourself; to ramble on about nothing and assume anyone is interested; to tell your story unless it relates to your audience.

Of course you must show confidence in your topic and a belief in what you are presenting is good advice to be followed. It usually shows.

And another tip – A good presentation is about a positive connection between you and your audience. According to Gitomer, “Your audience wants to get to know you, to like you, to have confidence in you, to believe you, to trust you, to understand you, to learn from you, to smile or laugh, and feel like you value them.”

Happy Thanksgiving Morsel reader. Be thankful for the satisfaction you get from what you do, and the benefit others get from it.

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