The definition of the target audience has changed. It’s less “who we are” and more “what we do”. The customer or prospect is a network of users who connect with you and each other. They use technology to make their needs known. And they have a voice.Listen!

Our re-thinking, according to marketing guru Professor David Rogers of Columbia University (lead professor of an on-line course I’m taking) can be focused on any or all of five strategic approaches.

We covered the Engage Strategy last month. For May, think about the Access Strategy. Look at your website. Is it as accessible as it should be for the visitor? How do you rate on Google search? Can you be found where they live digitally on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Alignable, etc.? Fish where the fish are swimming. Be part of the conversation. 

Study how is organized for customer-focused guidance. There is a reason Amazon chief Jeff Bezos has an empty chair in every team meeting. It reminds everyone in the room that the customer has a say in everything you do. And you better be continually sensitive to that perspective.

I’m rethinking my own business model. Mentally SkyLimit Marketing has become SkyLimit Digital Marketing. Never stop learning.

What are the other three digital strategies?




Stay tuned.


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