Amazon is a digital platform for buyers and sellers of merchandise. Brick and mortar retailers are becoming painfully aware of our growing habit of people shopping digitally.

Airbnb is a platform for vacationers and property choices. Uber is a platform for people who need to get somewhere and a ride. You get it.

A business like mine is becoming more recognized as a platform between the media and the client, for both PR strategy and content, as well as strategic placement, not only in mass media, but digital entities like Google, Facebook, Constant Contact, Linkedin, etc.

So is your business a platform? What service can you provide to meet the needs of someone else? Think about this question. 

You may be a platform business without even knowing it.

Let’s use public relations strategy as an example. You can write your own news releases and send them to the media you think will publish the story. Is it written from the reader perspective? Will the media find your version interesting enough to run with it? Or do you find a platform business with an outside-in point of view, established relationships with the media community, and the experience to partner with you to create the right strategy in a digital society with so many more choices?

June is “busting out all over” says the old song. It’s the “all over” that presents today’s biggest challenge. Maybe engage a platform to spring you toward success.  


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