I’ve done both…so let me share some thoughts with you.

First put on your web visitor hat. Why have you clicked? What do you hope to find? How much time can you spend? Not much is usually the answer.

Time efficiency means word efficiency. There is more of a sense of urgency attached to web copy strategy. Attention-getting writing is still the norm, but you are more restricted when it comes to creating creative lead-ins for web copy. Get to the point quickly.

Your visitor scans and hopefully hits on just the right information to activate the mouse trigger-finger. The visitor is looking for content. Content is the result of finding out what the site visitor wants to find from you as a resource.

Know your prospect and your prospect’s problem. This will lead to superior content. Your product or service is framed as a solution to your prospect’s problem.

Make sure your copy includes the right keywords. Keywords lead the searcher to your site. Get up to speed on your SEO knowledge and keyword selection. Time well spent.

I’ve been doing these free monthly marketing lessons (Morsels) for about 4 years. If you want to re-visit some of them to start your new year …they are available in a comprehensive archive on my website (www.skylimitmarketing.com). That is time well spent too.

Wishing you every success in 2018. Happy New Year!  


View previous monthly morsels on our Free Marketing Advice page.