The need to maximize today’s technology to communicate one-on-one as effectively as you can, drives us to keep up with advances, Fortunately there are resources available that help. One of my own “go to” learning tools is Fast Company magazine. The editorial team is always on a mission to find the innovators of the world and learn from them. The February 2016 issue is a good example. Check out the insights of Apple, Nike, Facebook, Google and more.

I find the basic attitude of their thinking comes from a consumer-centric point-ofview. In the issue, Rosie O’Neill, co-founder of Sugarfina, suggests that we question our goals. She uses the retail industry as an example. “We have to think of retail as less about a box that sells things and more about a box that brings people together in interesting and creative ways.” Thinking and planning always starts with the challenge presented to us by the end user.

It’s also important to identify and appreciate the difference between a skill and a talent. Caroline Ghosn, founder and CEO, Levo, nails it with this quote – “The difference between skill and talent: A skill is something you learn. Talent is what you can’t help doing.”

What’s your talent? Make sure you keep developing it, even if you’ve been at it a very long time. If you “can’t help doing it” make sure it has meaning.

Happy February. Learn something new, and be nice to your Valentine. Show your love in some new

be detailed. Also keep it flexible. Situations change. Be ready to adjust as you go. But at least have the calendar as a reference.

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