If you: “like” what you do, there is a bigger difference than if you “love” what you do. So, can you apply learning to become “passionate” about your job? I think this is entirely possible.

I started working in this profession in 1960, and still have active clients who pay me because I deliver value. There is a direct correlation between working with passion and achieving longevity.

Let me, as your Holiday gift, share some tips about working with passion –

  • Aristotle nailed it when he said, “Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work”.
  • Passion can separate you. A Deloitte report states that 88% of employees are not happy with their jobs. Learn to be passionate in the workplace and you are in the top 12%.
  • You better be passionate if you have leadership responsibilities. People look for you to be their motivator.
  • Keep a growth mindset. Earlier in your career, learn to work with passion, money will follow later.
  • Respect the habit of research. It is full of hidden light bulbs.
  • The intensity of your focus is always related to the passion you bring to the task.
  • Passion is a state of mind. The path leads you to creativity and innovation.

I could go on (and maybe will in the future), but for now, I conclude this message with best wishes for a blessed Holiday Season, and a “best ever” 2024.

Thanks for reading my Morsels since 2013!

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