The text I use does a good job of taking the student through the process of “needs discovery”, planning and delivering a productive meeting with a buyer, and closing a deal.

But there is a missing link in the process – what does it take to get the meeting in the first place?

By nature, sales people are not big fans of “cold calling”… so it behooves you to figure out a way to connect with the decision maker, or at least someone who can give you a better chance to make a deal happen. This challenge is articulated in a book called SOAR Selling by David and Marhnelle Hibbard. Google this and look for some very helpful YouTube training videos.

Once you’ve identified the key target person…you usually start the quest by dealing with the receptionist, secretary or other “gatekeeper” Your initial goal is to get through the gatekeeper to reach either the CEO or another key person of influence. You do this by approaching the conversation with a confident mindset; and answer questions as simply as possible. If you are asked who you are, just state your name. Don’t offer any information that isn’t specifically requested.

If you don’t connect with the boss on this attempt, offer to “stop by and drop off information” after making a specific appointment to do so. The objective is to get the in-person meeting with the decision maker. Any face-to-face contact is a step in the right direction.

Of course you must do your homework first. Being prepared to share something of value is the only way to soar!

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