Jack leaned a lot from top BBDO leaders. One of them, the CEO of all of BBDO, Charlie Brower, retired with a memo to all of us. “It would be ungracious to creep away without giving my friends a chance to ignore my advice.” He then shared “16 things I have learned in my 43 years in the adverting agency business.” I kept the memo and pass on Charlie’s wisdom this month. It is still timeless.
- The expedient thing and the right thing are seldom the same thing.
- The best way to get credit is to try to give it away.
- You cannot sink someone else’s end of the boat and still keep your own afloat.
- It is not important to come in early and work late. The important thing is why?
- If you get a kick out of your job, others will get a kick out of working for you,
- No one should knock research who has ever been helped by a road map.
- Chicken Little acted before her research was complete. The competition ate her up.
- A writer who can’t take it had better win in the first round. (Unfortunately, very little adverting is okayed in the first round).
- There has never been such a thing as a bad client, as long as he paid his bills.
- A man of stature has no need of status.
- Never trust a man who is Dr. Jekyll to those above him, and Mr. Hyde to hose below him.
- There are fewer low-interest products than low-interest writers.
- You learn more from your defeats than from your victories.
- Few people are successful unless a lot of people want them to be.
- Honesty is not only the best policy. It is rare enough to make you pleasantly conspicuous.
- Many people know how to make a good living. Few people know what to do with it once they have it made.
Amen Charlie.
Happy New Year to all my Morsel readers!
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