They point out that “consumers of every age are still motivated by the same things that motivated consumers since the first caveman coveted his neighbor’s cudgel: needs, status, a belief that the product will improve the perceived quality of their lives, or just an unexplained “I gotta have that” impulsive action”.

Think outside the box? Why? There’s plenty of good stuff in the boxes. The boxes are not the problem. The authors note that today, not enough people step back, take a deep breath and ask four key questions.

I’ll share them with you: What are we doing? - How are we doing it? - Why are we doing it? - How do we know if it’s working?

That’s it. Use these fundamental questions to help you build your brand; create a new campaign; or promotions that produce effective results. In my opinion, it also helps to understand the audience you’re trying to connect with in the first place.

The authors point out that these principles worked for advertisers and marketers fifty years ago, ten years ago and last week. They should work next week too, no matter how much the world changes.

Wishing you a sweetheart of a month and a box with chocolates inside.

View previous monthly morsels on our Free Marketing Advice page.