The “go to” trade magazine ADAGE reports that Ukrainian-based ad agencies have stopped client work and jumped into the fray by helping the Ukraine government fight disinformation that they say has been spread by Russia. The rules have changed with social media – Google is blocking Russian internet ads and Facebook is blocked by Russia, so their people have lost access.
Our people are showing moral support of the Ukrainian people. The Metropolitan Opera opened their season with a performance of the Ukrainian National Anthem. We all seeing solidarity in other contexts.
With soaring gas prices, how is the travel industry responding? Suddenly electric automobiles are gaining traction on the marketplace.
Marketers everywhere adjusting their messaging to make it appropriate for the world we live in. And that’s the point, dear Morsel reader. Always keep your ear to the ground and, yes, roll with the punches with your marketing decisions.
In my long lifetime I have seen it all – depression, war, stock market dips, and more. I always admired long-time client McDonald’s stepping up marketing spending when all around them were cutting back. Keep your long-term focus intact, and you will come out ahead in the end.
For now, take a small break. Pause and pray not only for the suffering Ukrainians, but for our own families here who are unfairly saddled with the economic fallout from this cruel war.
Roll with the punches and keep the faith!
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