The text I use is one I picked for the course. Marketing: An Introduction by Gary Armstrong and Philip Kotler. It was marketing guru Kotler that attracted me to the book in the first place.

In the preface, the authors identify five major customer value and engagement themes, the foundation on which we build any marketing platform. Here they are:

  1. Creating value for customers in order to capture value from customers in return – You have to be good at identifying what customers need, providing it at a price conceived as a good value, then maintain the relationship going forward,
  2. Customer engagement and today’s digital and social media – Not keeping up with what’s going on in this arena? Do it at your own peril.
  3. Building and managing strong value created brands – My favorite definition of “brand” is somebody else’s gut feeling about who you are and what you do. Keep the customer’s point-ofview top of mind with everything you do in marketing.
  4. Measuring and managing return on marketing – Marketing accountability is the way of today’s world. It’s best that you figure out how to deliver this information, and show how good an investment it is.
  5. Sustainable marketing around the globe – Meet present needs, sure, but look ahead to preserving the environment for future generations. You are being watched and judged for what you do and how you do it.

Spring into marketing plan building. And check the five boxes as you go.  


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