That being said, how many of us include an actual WOM PLAN as part of their overall marketing plan? My guess is more don’t than do.

So start your April by examining the topic of WOM. Media advertising, an up-to-date website, a social media presence and glossy brochures are all legitimate tactics; but none are more cost-efficient and effective than good WOM.

In the universe of marketing and advertising agencies, you can actually find companies that specialize in WOM strategies. One prominent firm is Bostonbased BzzzAgent.

BzzzAgent marries client’s products and services to consumers through hired “Agents” who create a “buzz” for the product or service, by having the “Agent” market it to their friends and contacts.

Full disclosure – the Agent must identify him or herself to the friends as a “Bzzz Agent”. The Agent is given a “kit” of literature, talking points, and product samples to support their sales efforts.

Small or medium size companies can adapt this tactic for their own purposes. But with this word of caution - Always start with a clear vision of who you are and what you do in the first place. Your Agent is a living representative of your Brand.

It may help to get professional advice to get your WOM campaign organized, but it is definitely worth it to consider WOM in your own overall marketing plan.

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