The one rule is that every sentence must begin with “Thank God.” If you want to share, send me your thoughts. This implies that I will post them on Facebook. Ok, here goes…
THANK GOD for the gift of good health. The VA helps me keep my diabetes under control. After 90-plus years, the parts are still working. THANK GOD for shelter. It is easy to take your home for granted, but far too many of us struggle in this world without it. Please pray for the homeless. They are not “lepers” to be shunned. They are people with stories who deserve help and prayers.
THANK GOD for family. Patricia, the love of my life, was married to me for over 61 years, which endured until the cruelty of dementia took her away two years ago. We were blessed with three children and seven grandchildren (one deceased). They are all a source of unending pride.
THANK GOD for a life journey that started with a Brooklyn childhood that instilled faith, family values, a thirst for knowledge, and self-confidence in me. This led to education and a life of untradable experiences and friends. Between military service and a profession that took me and mine literally around the world, I have no words that can capture how good God is.
THANK GOD for the gift of reflection; HE gets the credit for all of this. For the fifth time in recent years, I head for a silent weekend retreat at Holy Cross Abbey, a Trappist Monastery in Berryville, Virginia. A couple of days to focus solely on my relationship with God is always a great decision.
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